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 Its been an interesting morning so far. For the first time in months Jana woke up at 4 am in to eat. (I know its because I let her pass out early due to being exhausted from her physical therapy). As I was feeding her on the couch in our quiet home, I realized what day it was. 9/11.  Exactly 14 years ago I was doing this exact same thing with our oldest Joey. Except that morning I was watching the terrifying images of the Twin Towers slowly burning.  We were living with my parents at the time, my dad born and raised in New York was devastated as the city he grew up just across the harbor from was being destroyed.  As I held my 1 month old son, I watched our country being changed forever.

Today I pray for the families who lost a loved one that day.  The families who even now I’m sure feel a void in their hearts.  I pray that they have seen God work in their lives.  That they see that even through that horrific event, God was right there with all of us.  He showed himself to us in a very simple way.  And only He can take sorrow and make it joy.

Take a moment to remember the lives lost 14 years ago.  I will be using this day to enjoy my family.  I get a day alone with my Jana and I will take full advantage of plenty of cuddle time ❤